Beer Mat’s lager was good too with a sharp clean taste. It tasted really hoppy to me and not too bitter. As a lager drinker he enjoyed it
Next we moved on to Beál Bán from Beoir Corca Dhuibhne. It’s a cask conditioned pale ale from two pubs in Kerry who wanted to offer their customers something different. Now it was probably unfair to have this after the Clotworthy Dobbin but something had to come next. It looked pretty good with a cloudy, orange colour accentuated by the midday sun. First taste was refreshing and easy to drink. Beer Mat commented that it reminded him of a Weisse beer and I know what he meant. Mine seemed quite carbonated for a cask beer while Beer Mats seemed less gassy. It had a slightly watery quality which did not appeal to me and a strange chemically after taste. I have to say I wasn’t overly impressed but both Beer Mat and I both came to the conclusion it would be better with food.
We decided to take a break while we waited for Beer Goggles, the other beer beginner in our group, to arrive. We checked out the food on offer from the stands located conveniently close by. As well as two coffee stands there were people selling, sweet and savoury crepes, hotdogs, burgers and steak sandwiches among other things. We grabbed a couple of posh hotdogs and wandered back towards the picnic benches in front of the beer marquee commenting on what we thought a beer expert (anorak?) would look like as we scanned the ever growing crowds. I came up with the following list.
Beard, Glasses, Long shorts, Receding hairline, Scruffy appearance, Slightly chubby, Note book, Camera.
I thought this an amusing list until Beer Mat pointed out the fact that I ticked all of these boxes. I quickly shut up after that.
Beer Goggles arrived as we were finishing or food and we quickly headed back into the marquee as he was keen to catch up on lost time.
Beer Goggles tried the plain from the same brewers and it was equally good. Just smoother and creamier with less smokiness.
Beer Mat had gone to the other end of the marquee and returned with a Temple Brau from The Porterhouse. He gave me a sip and I put it on my list to try later. It was refreshing with maybe a fudgy taste? Maybe that was just after the Imperial.
Hilden Brewey was next up to the plate and I liked the look and sound of the Headless dog . It was also a headless beer but maybe that’s the joke? I hope it was anyway. I have to say that this was very disappointing. As Beer Goggles said, it tasted of nothing much but after taste of……..well we weren’t sure. It had a watered down taste and just seemed pointless when there was so much nicer around. Maybe it was just lost on our undereducated palates.
Next up was Galway Hooker and make no mistake this was good. The words well crafted seem to spring to mind as it was balanced, mild and tasty. A bit like a good English bitter thought Beer Goggles. A fresh tasting beer like this is something you could deal with all night. I placed it in the back of my mind for further recall when I go to Galway in October.
I hit The Fransican Well Brewery next and seeing how I am partial to blondes I tried their Blarney one. It was ok but nothing special a bit watery and lacking bite, taste and depth. Beer Mat had the Rebel Red but fared no better. It was tastier but again just ok. I began to wonder had the Chili affected by taste buds severely.
The Kinsale Lager stand seemed busy enough so I decided it should be the next port of call. This I liked. It had a delicate flavour and was slightly sour but this seemed to suit it. Nothing special I guess but again if it’s a choice of this or some of the other offerings here today well….
I guess I hadn’t noticed the crowd but Beer Goggles pointed out that there seemed to be more women here than men. He was right of course, and lots of kids too. I occurred to me that this wasn’t the day I thought it was going to be. I didn’t spot too many beer geeks apart from us. It seemed to be a family or even a girly thing. It was better, smarter with more of a buzz than I had hoped. I suddenly realised I was enjoying it.
I went back to Messers Maguire to try the Pils and I wasn’t disappointed. I had thought it might be a bit watery but no, it was soild with a nice full flavoured taste. Lovely fine bubbles and a great colour. Nice one. Messers Maguire didn’t let me down all day.
Beer Goggles went to Whitewater for the red ale and declared it very good. It was fruity and tasty but lacked length. Beer Goggles is a wine buff so perhaps has better language than me.
Time was pushing on and so was my stamina and internal alcohol meter so I knew I would only manage one more glass. I remembered the Temple Brau that Beer Mat had earlier. I thought this would be a perfect end to the day. I was right. It had a cleansing quality, a pureness of taste I hadn’t had before. It had that fudgy, hoppy taste I got earlier. It had been a good choice.
I guess that’s it really. We had an eye opening day and even flirted with the idea of coming back up on the Sunday. A late bus and missing our train by 2 minutes put that idea out of our heads.
Roll on the next one. Galway?
It's just occurred to me that because I didn't try O'Hara's from my home town you might think I don't rate it. I do. I will do the others soon too.
Like the blog. Septemberfest was good and a great chance to taste all the great Irish craft brews out there. I hadn't had Clotworthy Dobbin before and I agree it's lovely stuff.
Oh and sorry to buck the stereotype but I'm a woman and a proud beer nerd :-)
Whoops! Hope I haven't caused offense.
I guess the whole day was just such an eye opener for me. My favourite beers were the CD and the Imperial. I'd kill for either right now....
Does indeed sound like a fantastic day, and your descriptions of the Messers MaGuire stuff has more than whetted my whistle for my trip in November.
Clotworthy is one of my favourites, but I've never had it from cask. Mr BeerNut reckons it's better out of the bottle as I recall, but I'd still like to try the Cask. I'd try it out of an old shoe at this point in time!
As you read, I foolishly left it until the end of the day to get some bottles and they had ran out of C D. He is to let me know the closest place to me that will stock it. Heading to Kilkenny today so will check out what they have there.
Yeah, I've been disappointed with cask Clotworthy.
Hate to say it, Velky Al, but the worst place for drinking Messrs Maguire beer is in the Messrs Maguire pub. You need to be very lucky to get something really good and you're very unlikely to find anything served from the cask.
I don't think the pub management have twigged just how good their brewer is. Nor, possibly, do they care.
beer nut - do they bottle their beers or have them on tap elsewhere then?
He has been known to bottle in the past but I don't think he's doing so at the moment.
His Rusty red ale is available on cask all year round in Tara's Bar down in Killaloe, Co. Tipperary. He also makes beers for Acton's Bar in Macreddin Village, Co. Wicklow, though I've heard they're not great. The best place to get good MM beers is at festivals, and they mostly happen in the UK, or Sweden: he's a big fan of Sweden.
Anyway, I didn't mean to put you off going to Messrs Maguire -- it's still a must-visit for Dublin -- but don't expect to be blown away by the quality of the beer there.
Or, of course, you might get lucky.
Beer Nut - any inside info is useful, don't want to set myself up for disappointment.
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