I have to say that I don't think it was anything special but as lagers go it was good. Very refreshing and tasty. Sorry I can't say more.

I think the issue is that my tastes seem to be gravitating towards slightly heavier beers. Ales, stouts and fuller bodied brews seem to be more my thing, apart from wheat beers which still appeal to me..
I don't think there was anything wrong with Spaten Lager and perhaps in the right location and atmosphere it would fit the bill but for now I think I'll stick with what I prefer.
Mind you I still have a few to get through.
The Verdict.
Nice lager I guess but not for me at the moment.
Spaten Premium Lager - 50cl - 5.2% alcohol - Germany
I used to really enjoy Spaten, but it's been ages since I had one. I have to say, before I left Ireland I was definitely more into heavier tasting beers, but I'm starting to appreciate more delicate flavours now. Not that I'm averse to a big malt or hop bomb now and again! :D
I get the feeling it might be the same as when I started on wine. I went from mediocre whites to big brash reds and then back again to delicate whites and rĂ³ses. I'm heading back towards more subtle reds now.
I can see my beer tastes doing the same.
I think that happens alot. In fact, I mentioned the same phenomenon in relation to winehere, when a wine guy told me the same thing. I haven't had wine in ages! So much for the course :D
Aha! That's interesting.
I guess it makes sense when you think it through. I know many of my family and friends have gone through the same with wine. I am still having trouble converting them to beers but I'll keep trying.
Interesting you mentioned Dusseldorf, hope to go over with two friends before Christmas. I have done some research but might get a few tips from you!
Ah, the last time I spent any real time in Dusseldorf was about 11 or 12 years ago. These days I've only seen the airport :D I have to wait till my wife goes visiting her parents again before I plan a beer tour of Dusseldorf
No worries. Will post how I got on anyway. Looking forward to it.
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