Wednesday 11 January 2023

D'arcy's Extra Stout - A Found (Again) Irish Beer Label

I'm easily pleased.

Actually, that isn't true at all, but there are certain things that do bring a child-like grin of surprise to my face, such as finding the facsimile of a label for a long lost Irish beer. (Acquiring the actual label might even cause a small giggle of pleasure to escape.) I guess we all have our wants, needs and desires ...

So imagine me sitting at my computer researching D'arcy's brewery in Dublin for a new project and suddenly the above image pops up. Okay, so I have posted this image before, but that was a poor quality version from a newspaper source, which I cleaned and sharpened as best as I could. This is a wonderfully crisp and verifiable copy from an interesting source - The British, Foreign, and Colonial Tradesmarks' Directory from 1866 which also contains labels from English and Scottish breweries.

Anyhow, I felt it was worth creating a new post for this new version of the label - now I just need to find the actual recipe and brew it!

Liam K.

(Directory link is here.)

All written content and the research involved in publishing it here is my own unless otherwise stated and cannot be reproduced elsewhere without permission, full credit to its sources, and a link back to this post. In other words, don't be that guy ...

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