Thursday 26 May 2022

'Immortal Lager Beer'

Tune - 'My Long-tailed Blue'
I've drank of all the various taps,
With which men soak their clay,
From Red-eye Whisky up to Schnapps,
From Claret to Tokay;
But of all the draughts I ever drank
I countries far or near,
The one which takes the foremost rank
Is honest lager Beer.

Chorus -
Then give me a glass of beer,
My sinking heart to cheer,
And while we sing, com landlord bring
Another Glass of beer

Frenchmen may back their Cognac,
The Hollander his Gin,
John Bull may quaff his "'Arf-and-'Arf,'
And Paddy his 'Poteen;'
Each one may think his fav'rite drink
Does most conduce to cheer:
They've yet to know the spirit's flow
That lives in Lager Beer

Chorus - Then give me, &c.

The Temp'rance men, with tongue and pen,
(Spirits white, black and blue,)
May still engage to turn the age
'Gainst my celestial brew.
They work in vain, nor converts gain,
And fastly disappear
The feeble few of that watery crew -
The Foes of Lager Beer

Chorus - Then give me, &c.

Old Germany is still the land
Of most prodigious thinkers,
Because of this, my fav'rite brand,
They are profoundest drinkers;
And though their metaphysics slow
Our feelings feelings sadly wear,
'Tis after all to them we owe,
My much loved Lager Beer

Chorus - Then give me, &c.

Each thirsty elf will please himself
'Chaque un a son gout;'
But 'tis the topmost cheering drop
That ever tapster drew.
Should all the rest, at Fate's behest,
Forever disappear,
The world may still its ends fulfil,
Possessed of Lager Beer,

Chorus - Then give me, &c.

Great beverage of this our age!
Most happily combine
In thy bright drops the malt and hops
To make a draught divine;
The human race should have the grace
To celebrate the year
Which gave thee birth, thou soul of mirth,
Immortal Lager Beer,

Chorus - Then give me, &c.

T. G.
- New Orleans True Delta

(Via The Dundalk Democrat - 14th November 1857)

 Newspaper image © The British Library Board - All rights reserved. With thanks to The British Newspaper Archive ( from whom I have received permission to display this images on this site.

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