Sunday 15 November 2020

D'Arcy's Dublin Extra Stout Label

(Newspaper Page © The British Library Board)

Trawling though a few old newspapers online I came across the below advertisement for D'Arcy's Brewery in Dublin in the Sport (Dublin) newspaper from 1896. I was quite take by the facsimile of the label for their Dublin Extra Stout - complete with anchor - so I cleaned up the image a little a decided it was worth posting here.

It's a nice piece of Dublin brewing history, I wonder has anyone got the real thing?


(Newspaper Page © The British Library Board)

(All written content and the research involved in publishing it here is my own unless otherwise stated and cannot be reproduced elsewhere without permission, full credit to its source and a link back to this post.)

Newspaper image © The British Library Board. All rights reserved. With thanks to The British Newspaper Archive ( 


  1. D'Arcy labels seem remarkably rare, considering it was a big brewery with an extensive export business: I've found D'Arcy's stout being advertised in Indonesia in the late 19th century.

  2. Two of the reasons it's so rare to find despite John D'Arcy & Son's Anchor Brewery being the second largest in Dublin at the time, was that when it closed in the 1920's, the brewery was taken over by Watkin's Jameson and Pim, which had it's own competing stout. Guinness agents were also known to buy up/collect competing stouts images.

    Watkins remaining Georgian brewery HQ building still exists in Dublin. Behind drawn shades, curtains and barred windows, the remains of John D'Arcy & Son's Anchor Brewery may still be stored.

    D'Arcy's Anchor Brewery also brewed O'Connell's Dublin Ale, which it took over when the original Phoenix Brewery closed

  3. Hi, I found this conversation when I googled for a P.Redmundt & Co extra Dublin Stout bottle I found today during a full gut renovation. Does anyone know the history of this?

    1. Would it be P. Redmond by any chance? Send a photo of it to beerfoodtravel(at) and I might be able to help.
