Wednesday 2 August 2017

Food & History: Cheshire Pork Pie Recipe 1841 - Sherry's not just for trifle...

I came across this recipe during some of my research and felt it should get a bit of an airing:

'Cheshire Pork Pie - Divide a loin of pork into chops and cut away the skin and the greatest part of the fat; season the meat with salt, Cayenne, and a little nutmeg. peel and core a dozen pippins, filling up the centres with fine Disbon[sic] sugar. Line your dish with a good crust paste, then put in a layer of pork, then a layer of pippins, and so on until you have filled your dish;pour in a pint of sherry, and cover down with paste for top crust. Two hours baking will not be too much to insure the meat is perfectly done.'

(The Carlow Sentinel - 1841)

Pippins were small, crisp apples of which the Cox's Orange variety is probably the best known now; Disbon sugar should be Lisbon sugar - presume - which is a refined cane sugar; paste is of course pastry ... and what about that pint of sherry!

I haven't tried to make this yet but between the cayenne, sugar and sherry it would certainly be an interesting experiment!

I'll keep you posted...


(With thanks to the Carlow library local studies room.)

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