Wednesday 3 December 2008

Reasons to be Beer-Full - Part 1

When I started this blog I really didn't know where it would lead to. That was a few months and almost 100 beers ago.
100 beers! That seems a bit surreal. If someone had told me 6 months ago that I would go to Brussels and come back a beer addict I wouldn't have believed them. I think that's what it is with me, an addiction. I seem to look in every supermarket and off licence for something new to try. I guess I have become a Beer Ticker
Having said that I don't rate the beers on a scale. I just give my impression and personal experience of them.
I don't have a list of beers that I want. (Except for one or two mention by those that comment on the site)
I don't look like an Anorak, Oh wait, I actually do. I have the 3 Bs, Beard, Balding and Beer Belly. Is that 4 Bs?

But the thing is, I don't really care what others think! As I have mentioned before, this blog is for me.
I like people to comment and I like to see where people visit from but it's not like I comment on the Beer Rating sites. 
Or, for that matter, judge those who do. Maybe by saying this I am judging?!
It's like going out for a pint. I would prefer to go out with like minded people for a natter and a beer and I'd like my blog to be the same, with like minded people sharing opinions and information.
So call be a Beer Bore, Anorak, Beer Nerd whatever. Just keep reading and commenting.

I'm off to Düsseldorf on Saturday but will hopefully get in another post or two beforehand. Can't wait to try the Alt!


  1. Enjoy the Alt - when I was in Berlin back in May (when the sun shone and the brewpub was superb) we found a street fair where one of the stalls was from Schumacher, the oldest Alt makers in Dusseldorf I believe, wonderful beer, simply wonderful. Mrs Velkyal took a pic of me holding my pint with an insane smile on my face because finally I had the real thing.

  2. It's fun, isn't it? :D

    While in Düsseldorf I recommend popping into Uerige. A robust, bitter altbier in there. I wasn't as impressed with the Fuchschen alt (though the bottle was bast the best before), but worth a go if you are nearby.

    The oldest altbier brewery in the world is apparently Bolten's, based 15 or so km west of Düsseldorf. Founded in 1266, but I don't know if it was alt they were making then. I gave Mr BeerNut a bottle of their Ur-Alt, so I'm looking forward to his tasting notes.

    I really need to put up more notes on the alts I've tried myself!

  3. I'll do my best to enjoy the Alt! Going for 4 days so will have a bit of time to check out the different Alt brewpubs. Bringing a big bag to try and bring back as much as possible!
    Can't wait.

  4. You're doing a stand-up job: keep it going. You're also putting me to shame with the amount of beer travelling you're doing.

    Have fun in Düsseldorf. Lots of pub photos, please.
