Saturday 29 November 2008

O'Hara's Irish Red Ale & a Tangent

Carlow Brewing Company are situated just a few minutes from where I live. Indeed, they are sited right beside my old secondary school in the old goods store by the train station.
In a previous existence I have used them for corporate events where we needed to demonstrate some of the delights of Carlow to visitors. We would hire equipment and get a few kegs from them and dished out their offerings to people from all over the world on one occasion. It always went down well.
Therefore I'm a bit biased as to their beer. I have only reviewed one of their beers here, their Celebration Stout, so biased or not I decided I'd better make amends.
O'Hara's Red, which was called Molings but was renamed a little while ago, poured a nice dark red colour with a big fizzy head that dissipated quickly. It had an acrid but not unpleasant smell, if that's not a contradiction.
Taste wise it has a burnt caramel flavour and a bitter hop taste with very little fragrance of anything else. Having said that it doesn't really need a whole lot else, it's not he most complex of beers. The only negative comment I could make is that perhaps it's a little watery? The taste, I guess, either suits your palate or it doesn't.
Yes, I know that I'm stating the obvious but the more I drink the more I appreciate that beer that suits me might not suit others. I have gotten really wary of suggesting beers to people unless I know their general taste. Even then I would only make general suggestions.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that this blog is about my tastes. I write it for myself and although I am more than delighted when people read or comment, don't take my word for things. Try them yourselves. (As I know ye do!)
Sorry. I've diverted from the plot!
The Verdict
A nice bitter red ale. Buy it, Carlow needs the money! (I'm not biased. No really!)
O'Haras Irish Red Ale - 50cl - 4.3% alcohol - Ireland


  1. I managed to get a bottle of this at Dublin Airport on my way to prague, looking forward to giving it a whirl, also have a bottle of the stout and Curim - I am always happy to through my money at Carlow after the stout I had in the Bull and Castle.

  2. Thanks for your contribution! Maybe if they get enough money they might open up a brew pub in town! It would probably have the lifespan of a May Fly but a few of us would be happy.
