Sunday 5 October 2008

Whitewater Clotworthy Dobbin

This was one that I was eagerly anticipating for the last few weeks. I tried it at Septemberfest in Dublin on cask and it blew me away. I was in Kilkenny at the weekend and spotted it in The Wine Centre so I grabbed a bottle along with a few other that were new (to me) ones.
As I mentioned before, sometimes your mind plays tricks on you and I wondered was this as good has I had remembered?
It was.
It really is a mouthful and a half. The same wonderful fresh, fruity taste that I remembered from before that almost defies description. You get a beautiful malty flavour with just a hint of bitterness and a lightly burnt taste that still reminded me of confectionery.
Having said all that I still preferred the cask version. It had a smoother more velvet quality that suits my palate better. I felt the bottle was a bit sharper perhaps.
But anyway, it's still bloody good!
The Verdict
A great, great beer. 
Whitewater Clotworthy Dobbin - 50cl - 5% alcohol - Northern Ireland


  1. Will have to keep an eye out for that when I am in Ireland in November.

  2. Should be available in off licenses from now on. Not sure if it's any pubs in Dublin. Check with some of the beer gurus. If you get close to either of the Harviestoun beers I had then grab them too.

  3. I was quite disappointed with the cask version when I had it. But I love this from the bottle. Not seen it anywhere in Dublin yet though.

  4. This is one of my favourite beers. I think I had it for the first time only about a year ago after doing a raid in Sainsburys near Lisburn. I'd love to make something like it as there's a snowball's chance in hell of getting it in Germany. I reckon I'll be trying in vain though.

  5. This is my favourite beer in the world, but be warned - it is fairly strong and very, very tasty. You'll want more than one.
