Friday 3 October 2008

Rochefort 8 - Halleluja!

My first encounter with this beer was in Brussels a couple of months ago. I did a bit of research before going over and I remember reading somewhere that Rochefort was a must drink beer. This turned out to be the case as I remember having it and thinking I had died and gone to heaven.

I had previously tried the Rochefort 6 but had come to the conclusion that it was not the one I had in Brussels. (I forgot to take notes at the time. It was before I started down the road to being a real, and proud, beer nerd.)

This was the one. The subtleness of flavours, the velvety quality and the hint of spice. Holy Moly there is a god, and he brews in Belgium.

What struck me most about this beer is that no one flavour or ingredient over powered another. They all seemed to dance on my palate in perfect harmony. Even the alcohol, at 9.2%, didn't take over the taste. It was just deliciously smooth and subtle, like a well blended whisky.

The Verdict

Fantastic. A beautiful beer.

Rochefort 8 - 33cl - 9.2% alcohol - Belgium

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