Saturday 6 September 2008

Wychwood Hobgoblin

The picture on the bottle should have told me that this would be a sneaky beer. A dodgy looking cray-chur with a glint in his eye, I should have been wary.

My previous attempts at finding a good English beer had not gone well (admittedly I've only tried a few in my short beer career) so I was beginning to wonder what the fuss was about. My first taste of this one made me thing 'here we go again', but then something magical happened....

Taste after the taste, it got better and better until I got to the end and I thought 'wow!' that was excellent, I need more. Unfortunately the beer fairy didn't hear my wish and no magic bottles appeared.

This is a great beer. Tasty, full flavoured and lots going for it. I got all kinds of carmely-coffee things going on and then a hint of something spicy right at the end. Maybe it was the fairy dust......

Would I buy it again?


Hobgoblin - 50cl - 5.2% alcohol

Available from Superquinn


  1. I also agree that this is a great beer, just tried it last friday w/my husband. I don't normally drink beer & I was really impressed with this one.

  2. Hi Betty.
    It's a good one all right. I have a Christmas edition from Wychwood call Bah Humbug that I will be tasting soon.
