Tuesday 16 September 2008

Maredsous Blonde 6

Ok, so this looked interesting. A Belgian abbey beer I had not heard of (that would not be hard!) that seemed strangely familiar.
I'm to sure what to say about this one as it was ok but didn't blow me away. Sure it was easy to drink but it seemed to lack a bit of bite. Oh well, just a mild flavoured wishy-washy beer. I popped the bottle up on a shelf and spotted why it looked familiar. It's the same bottle as Duvel.
Closer inspection revealed Duvel being mentioned on the label.
Note to self: Must Google connection.............some time.
It's ok but nothing special. I guess if you have no other options I'd have it. Will check out the others in the range.
Maredsous Blonde 6 - 33cl - 6% alcohol


  1. To save you Googling (filthy habit: you'll go blind) it's made by the Duvel Moortgat Brewery. Most of the big Belgian breweries have an abbey range. Maredsous is theirs.

  2. Thanks for that. Are they others in the range worth a shot?

  3. The ten's not bad, but if it's sharing a shelf with, say, Chimay Blanc, Westmalle Tripel or Karmeliet Tripel, I'd go for them first.

  4. Sounds like a shopping list to me. Good stuff!

  5. I would also recommend the Rochefort ales - just fished out of the cellar my bottle of 10, and it was good, though I prefer the 8, the 6 is a fine beer as well - must be something about being a monk with all that silence and time to make great beers. Looks like another wee shopping list there for you.

  6. I didn't mention the Rocheforts because they don't make a blonde, but yes, they are excellent, especially the 8.

  7. I had the 6 and thought I it was grand. I had one in Brussels that was superb and I think it was the 8. The guy in Kilkenny was out of them, or I missed them, when I was in last.
    Thanks for the suggestions again.
