Tuesday 30 September 2008

Leffe Radieuse - Watch out for Red Heads

I'm a bit of a fan of Leffe beers. Perhaps it's because I have a soft spot for them as the Blonde was one of the first decent beers I had. I had tried the Blonde, as I say, and the Bruin so when I spotted this I decided to try it out.
This is a nice smooth beer with a mild taste but full of body. Does that make sense? I has a sweet taste that might be a bit cloying after a few. Mind you at 8.2% alcohol you wouldn't drink to many anyway. It's a nice beer, I have to say, but some of the spiciness you get in the others is lost in this or maybe it just wasn't added.
The Verdict
A tasty beer. try it if you like the rest of the Leffe beers.
Leffe Radieuse - 33cl - 8.2% alchohol - Belgium


  1. I have a soft spot for red heads, especially if they come with a Connemara accent! Seriously though, this sounds worth finding, Leffe was one of the first beers that got me enjoying something other than pisswater lager - my nearest pub has the Bruin on tap thankfully.

  2. Can't even buy Leffe in bottles in the pubs in my town.(Come on InBev!)My favorite off licence, about 30km away, has Leffe Triple too so I will hopefully get over at the end of the week to stock up.
