Thursday 11 September 2008

Affligem Blond

I was attracted to this by my liking of Leffe Blonde. Again it was in my local Superquinn that had it and I liked the look and the description on the bottle. This would be good.
I poured it carefully as suggested on the bottle and toke a gulp. It was ok, but only ok. I tried again and really all I got was a watery Belgian beer. Maybe watery is the wrong word but it certainly lacked a bit of taste and bite. Most disappointing. Maybe I should have shook it......
Would I buy it again?
No. Unless some can tell me that I just got a dud one.
Affligem Blond - 33cl - 6.8% alcohol
Available from Superquinn


  1. I had this on tap in Bordeaux last Christmas and thoroughly enjoyed it. Perhaps it is better draught than bottled.

  2. Hmmmmm..Perhaps I will give it another go. I wish I could get decent draught beer in Ireland.It's hard to get anything different when your outside the cities.

  3. If you fancy somewhere different for a weekend away, Bordeaux is excellent, especially when they have their Christmas markets - plenty of really, really good beer on tap and there is also the Frog and Rosbif brewpub which does some good brews. Never thought I would recommend Bordeaux for beer!

  4. Sounds good. Was in Basel last year for Christmas markets but that was BBE. (Before Beer Epiphany)I think Ryanair fly to Bordeaux from Dublin. I have been to a few places in Europe but have a new sprog at the moment which has curtailed our travels a bit. If I knew then what I know now about beer.....
    Oh well, an excuse to go back to places.
    Haven't been to Prague yet!

  5. Aer Lingus and Ryanair fly herre from Dublin - I think Aer Lingus was cheaper mind, the wife and I are flying over to visit firends outside Dublin in Novemeber.

  6. Thanks. I'd say it will be next year at this stage but I'll definitely get there. Will have to find out where to go from you, when we're going.

  7. Sure, no worries. Although I am leaving the city in July next year for pastures new.

  8. No bother. I hope your going somewhere with good beer!

  9. Moving to South Carolina, eventually plan to sell and make good beer. Not to mention unleash my food and beer recipes on the world. And the week after that? We take over the world!! ;)

  10. Sounds like a plan. Hope it works out. Like the beer/food stuff by the way.
