Sunday 24 August 2008

Samuel Adams Boston Ale

I think this sneaked in to Superquinn by the back door. There were a few bottles beside the Samuel Adams Lager that caught my eye and when I went to pay for one it would not scan and I got it for free! Pity I hadn't got more.

I was pleasantly surprised as I hadn't tasted any of the Samuel Adams range as I felt they might be a bit commercial and akin to Miller and Bud. Firstly this has a wonderful amber colour and nice head so from the start it had me hoping for something special. It had a fantastic, full, malty taste. To be honest I could have drank it off in two swallows but I steadied myself and took it handy. This is a beer I could drink a few of way to easily.

It seems to be part of a Brewmaster Collection so I'll keep my eyes peeled for more. Hopefully Superquinn will mess up again!

Would I buy it again?

Yes. Good for bringing to a party or BBQ if you fancy a decent beer you can drink a few of.

Samuel Adams Boston Ale - 35.5cl - 4.8% alcohol

Available from Superquinn. Free!! (or it was.)

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